Q. I have to know that flute has taken dikhsha? how an when? Why gopis were angry on flute/ Why Radharani always talk to flute please be on side?
A.The answer to your question is found in Sri Vidagdha-Madhava (The Most Clever Krishna) by Srila Rupa Goswami. This is a drama written by him and in Act Five titled Radha-prasadana (Decorating Radha) there is a verse sung by Radhika. Text 17 says:
Radhika: (vamsim udghatya. sopalambham)
sad-vamshatas tava janih purushottamasya
panau sthitir muralike saralasi jatya
kasmat tvaya sakhi guror vishama grihita
gopangana-gana-vimohana-mantra-diksha Continue reading Krishna’s flute