Category Archives: Radharani

Krishna’s flute

Q. I have to know that flute has taken dikhsha? how an when? Why gopis were angry on flute/ Why Radharani always talk to flute please be on side?

A.The answer to your question is found in Sri Vidagdha-Madhava (The Most Clever Krishna) by Srila Rupa Goswami. This is a drama written by him and in Act Five titled Radha-prasadana (Decorating Radha) there is a verse sung by Radhika. Text 17 says:

Radhika: (vamsim udghatya. sopalambham)

sad-vamshatas tava janih purushottamasya
panau sthitir muralike saralasi jatya
kasmat tvaya sakhi guror vishama grihita
gopangana-gana-vimohana-mantra-diksha  Continue reading Krishna’s flute

Free Will

Q. How is it that Srimati Radharani, who doesn’t have the inherent freedom to turn away from Krishna as the jivas do, can still be considered a Person who experiences love for Krishna? As Maharaja states, if the jivas didn’t have this free will our forced love wouldn’t be considered love at all, yet when it comes to Radharani, who by nature doesn’t have this freedom, Her experience is still called love. Would you please explain this apparent contradiction?

A. There are three principal categories of energies of the Supreme Lord: internal potency, external potency and marginal potency (antaranga, bahiranga and tatastha sakti). The jivas are by constitution the marginal potency of the Lord; as the name indicates, they are marginal in the sense that they can go either way, i.e. take shelter of either the internal or external potency. Srimati Radharani and other eternal personal associates of the Lord, however, are in the category of internal potency. It is not that they have no free will, but being ‘not marginal’, they ALWAYS choose to serve Krishna, and never become subject to the external energy. This is due to the constitutional difference between the two types of energies.

A crude analogy would be that of the fire and spark, as explained previously. The blazing fire is never separated from its heat and light, or for that matter, a big log in the fire blazes with the fire, but a small spark of that fire can easily drift away.

Srimati Radharani – topmost devotee

Q. Is Radharani a devotee or wife of Krishna?

A. Radharani is the topmost devotee of Lord Krishna. She represents the internal pleasure potency(shakti) of the Lord. She serves the Lord in a relationship of conjugal love, technically called parikiya rasa.

Is Radharani also eternal consort?

Q. In almost all avatars it has been that Lakshmi is the consort of the Lord. For example, whether be it mother Sita or Visnupriya or Padmavati (Lord Venkateswara’s consort); but not Radharani. Why is it that way?

A. As Krishna is the original personality of Godhead, so Srimati Radharani is His hladini sakti manifestation or His eternal consort. Since Narayana in Vaikuntha is an expansion of Krishna, we can say that Lakshmi is also an expansion of Srimati Radharani. For that matter, all the godesses of  fortune in the spiritual realm are manifestations of Srimati Radharani. Having made the above statements, we can identify the particular consort of the Supreme Lord by a particular nomenclature also. For example Sita is the consort of Lord Rama. Ramadevi (found in Sri Brahma Samhita) is the consort of Maha Visnu. Each of the expansions of the Supreme Lord have their consorts  or energetic expansions. They go by various names  but the original Personality of Godhead is Krishna  and His eternal consort is Srimati Radharani.

Why did Lord Krishna not marry Radharani?

Q. Why did Lord Krishna not marry Radharani? When Her deity is always next to Krishna and we worship Krishna and Radha? Krishna loved Srimati Radharani, but married someone else. Why?

A. The relationship between Radha and Krishna in Their Vrindavan-lila is of a very special type known as “parakiya rasa” or unwedded love. Even from our mundane experience we know that such a relationship can be of greater intensity than within marriage. Yet these ‘affairs’ are grossly perverted reflections of the love found in the spiritual world; worldly paramourship is morally reprehensible  but the spiritual counterpart is of the highest level of spiritual joy as well as purity.

Continue reading Why did Lord Krishna not marry Radharani?